Security and Privacy

All data stored on VolunteerMark is safe, secure, and reliable. For us, it’s the only way to do business.

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How We Keep Your Data Safe

All VolunteerMark accounts use SSL-encrypted connections by default — the same level of security used by online banks. You never send or receive sensitive information in plain-text. Additionally, industry-standard physical and remote security is administered at datacenter facilities.


Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

Utilizing up to 256-bit EV SSL encryption by Norton Secured Symantec and the world-class server infrastructure of RackSpace, VolunteerMark ensures the absolute privacy of our users' data.

Online Backups

VolunteerMark user data is stored in RackSpace data centers. Every piece of data is automatically and immediately copied to multiple locations for redundancy. Therefore, there is no lag time in backup creation, ensuring data would be available instantly after an interruption in any one location.

Industry Standard Security

VolunteerMark systems and processes adhere to industry best practices in security, including the following:

  • Encrypted inter-server and inter-datacenter communication.
  • Sensitive data encryption in the databases.
  • Tightly firewalled and monitored servers.
  • Strictly controlled access to servers or customer data.

Reporting and Disclosure

We investigate all reported vulnerabilities, so if you believe you've discovered a problem, please email